Preparation has begun for the 2016 BCSS AGM weekend on May 6 & 7, 2016. Please note that the location of this year’s Friday council meetings and AGM will take in Burnaby at Fortius Sport & Health. The package can be accessed online at the BCSS website www.bcschoolsports.ca, with links to the specific documents below.
Please take a close look at the information and have conversations with those people in your community who are involved with student-athletes.
The package contains the following information:
RSVP – mandatory due to space, catering and voting; due April 25
Draft Schedule 2016.docx
2016 Voting at the Annual General Meeting.docx
2016 Board Nominations.docx –due March 25
2016 Standing Committee Volunteer Application.docx-due March 25
2016 Resolution Information and Form.docx –due March 25
2016 Travel Support Request.docx –due May 7
BCSS awards procedure – due April 4
Round Table Information.docx
Round table survey-due March 25