April 20, 2018

Please see the attached 2018 BCSS AGM Package 2. The AGM will take place on May 12th, 2018 at Fortius Sport & Health in Burnaby. Keep an eye out in the coming days for a video from Jordan Abney, BCSS Executive Director, explaining in detail each of the proposed notices of motion for the AGM.
AGM Notices of Motion Information Video
AGM & Social RSVP - RSVP deadline May 7th, 2018
Council Meeting RSVP - RSVP deadline May 7th, 2018
Package 2 Contents:
- Schedule, Voting Forms & Travel Information
- Agenda
- Standing Rules of Order
- 2017 AGM Minutes & Appendices
- 2017 Special General Minutes & Appendices
- Audited Financial Statements 2016-17
- Agenda
- Notices of Motion
- Board Of Directors Nominees
If you have any question or concerns, please contact the BCSS office by phone at 604-477-1488 or by email at info@bcschoolsports.ca